Protect Your Social Media Accounts from Hijacking

Social media accounts can be a valuable asset for businesses, but they can also be vulnerable to hijacking.

A hijacked account can damage your brand’s credibility and lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks and how an MSP and Security Awareness & Training Company, such as DataGuard, can protect from social media hijacking.

What Is Social Media Hijacking?

Social media hijacking occurs when an unauthorized user gains access to a company’s social media accounts. This can happen because of human error, weak passwords, or other security flaws. Once the hacker has access, they may post malicious content or change settings within the account that can have serious consequences for your business.

How Can You Prevent It?

DataGuard can help your company prevent social media hijacking by implementing user trainings, providing policies, implementing social media phishing attack simulations, as well as providing internal system controls.

It is suggested that all entities review security settings on each platform regularly and make sure that only verified users have access to post on behalf of the company’s accounts. DataGuard can be your enterprise security solution that provides extra protection against hackers who are trying to gain access to your accounts via phishing schemes or malware attacks.

Social media accounts are an essential tool for businesses looking to reach their customers online, but they can be vulnerable if not properly secured. To protect yourself from social media hijacking, create strong passwords and use two-factor authentication when available, review your security settings regularly, and consider DataGuard for added protection against hackers. By taking these steps now, you will help ensure that your business won’t fall victim to social media hijacking in the future.

Data-Guard 365 is a MSSP firm headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices in Indianapolis, Atlanta, and other strategic locations across the globe. The company is a one-of-a-kind business partner whose people, processes, and technology provide invincible cyber security for a price point that pays for itself. / (317) 967-6767 /

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Photo of Chris Zvirbulis, Chief Commercial Officer
Christopher Zvirbulis
Chief Commercial Officer, Partner