You and Your Company … the Next Target?

Plan Well In Advance

It’s like planning for a funeral well in advance: No one likes doing it and few of us are motivated to get it in writing until we become incapacitated. By then, we don’t hold the pen – someone else does who is “in control” – and our plan may or may not unfold the way we had envisioned on the day it is sorely needed.

Don’t be that guy/gal who turns your laptop on one morning to find company operations have come to a standstill (not good), your data is seized and possibly leaked (real bad), you face a ransom demanding a hefty price to retrieve what is already yours (infuriating), and the only plan you have in place focuses on recovering a disaster, not preventing it (tragic)

A Case Study

A company we’ll call MMS-Moving Material Smart (for privacy’s sake), whose business is to orchestrate transport and delivery of materials to (JIT) manufacturers, relied upon antivirus software to secure their proprietary data while maintaining on/offsite backups. One day, the CEO said “We need to ensure our data and systems security is as robust as the work we do each day for our customers.” That willingness to enhance their current security measures lead MMS to the qualified security partner who found and resolved a critical gap that would have, sooner than later, compromised MMS and customers’ operations.

Today, MMS works unencumbered and with peace of mind, knowing their vendor/partner’s breach prevention expertise means a more secure future for MMS. And the responsible action to heighten security was a strong statement that supports MMS’ plan for dynamic growth.

Executive teams who desire impenetrable data and operational security no longer find disaster recovery a sole solution. No one wants a disaster. Owners, Partners, Shareholders do not welcome an event that requires a disaster recovery. There is no easy way to calculate the losses associated with interrupted operations, data seizure and leakage, and compromised customers, thus, your reputation. Prevention is the only approach smart management can afford to take with the rate of cybercrime catapulting in recent years.

Next Week’s Priority

Acquire third party documentation by a designated cyber specialist to tout your company’s security preparedness, or else engage a qualified MSSP with a plan of action that takes you from being a target, to becoming a security fortress!

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Data-Guard 365 is a MSSP firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, with offices in Chicago, Atlanta, and other strategic locations across the globe. The company is a one-of-a-kind business partner whose people, processes, and technology provide invincible cyber security for a price point that pays for itself. / (317) 967-6767 /

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Photo of Chris Zvirbulis, Chief Commercial Officer
Christopher Zvirbulis
Chief Commercial Officer, Partner