Data-Loss Prevention (DLP)


Data-Loss Prevention (DLP) is a set of technologies, policies, and practices designed to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of sensitive and confidential information. DLP solutions enable organizations to identify, monitor, and protect sensitive data. These solutions use data classification, content inspection, and encryption techniques to detect and prevent both accidental data loss and intentional breaches by attackers.

DLP solutions assist organizations in complying with data protection regulations, maintaining the integrity of sensitive information, safeguarding their reputation by minimizing the risk of data loss incidents, and proactively preventing data leakage from the four major leak points: removable drives, web uploads (including cloud storage solutions like Dropbox), email attachments, and printed documents. Policies can also be configured to prevent data leakage from the source location, whether it’s a network file share or an actual application.

Main Features

  • Data Discovery
  • Data Loss Prevention Policies
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Network Monitoring
  • Data Retention and Disposal
  • User Training and Awareness
  • Compliance and Regulatory Alignment
  • Auditing and Monitoring

Data Discovery

Scanning networks, systems, and storage repositories to identify the presence and location of sensitive data, including personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, or intellectual property.

Endpoint Protection

Deploying endpoint security solutions that monitor and control the transfer of sensitive data to removable media, cloud storage, or external devices, preventing unauthorized data exfiltration.

Data Retention and Disposal

Establishing policies and practices for secure data retention and proper disposal of sensitive information, including secure deletion and destruction methods.

Compliance and Regulatory Alignment

Ensuring data-loss prevention measures align with relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards, such as FINRA, HIPAA, SOX, or ITAR.

Data Loss Prevention Policies

Defining and enforcing policies that control the movement and access of sensitive data, both within the organization and when interacting with external entities.

Network Monitoring

Monitoring network traffic to identify and prevent the unauthorized transmission of sensitive data, such as through data leakage channels or suspicious network behaviors.

User Training and Awareness

Providing comprehensive training programs to educate employees about data protection best practices, raising awareness of data security risks and responsibilities.

Auditing and Monitoring

Conduct regular audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of data-loss prevention controls and identifying areas for improvement or remediation. Such as through data leakage channels or suspicious network behaviors.