*LEGACY BUILDERS* Enhance Cybersecurity to Gain New Year 2023 FOCUS!

When criminals steal what is yours or try to balance the scales of what they deem economic injustice, they ruin an individual or business, those victims’ affiliates, and the customers they serve.

The final act of Texas lovebirds and bank-robbing legends, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Champion Barrow, occurred on May 23, 1934, in an FBI-directed police ambush near Sailes, Bienville Parish, Louisiana following one of the most colorful manhunts the nation had seen. In those days, banks secured their funds with a vault like the ones sold by legendary Ft. Knox Banks – and they transported monies as needed by trucks with armed guards. Now, a century later, the vault that protects digital treasure relies on AI-based cybersecurity to safeguard assets housed, utilized, and transported electronically.  And financial perpetrators – the Bonnie & Clyde of this century – are Cyber-Crooks!

A proven, qualified cybersecurity partner utilizing AI and a 24 hour SOC (Security Operations Center) has been and continues to be your best vault for securing assets and operations in 2023. The only way cybercrime will ‘go away’ is by imploding. Frustrate criminals and protect your business with a cyber-expert who puts proper tools in place and stands guard over your assets via a cybersecurity solution comprising a guaranteed platform (refer Data-Guard365.com). When criminals cannot readily succeed in their attempt to breach, they move on. They must shudder when contemplating the day that they have nowhere to go to breach systems and steal-a-living!  You can help curtail current cybercrime trends with the aforementioned solution … a 21st century defense!

When criminals steal what is yours or try to balance the scales of what they deem economic injustice, they ruin not only an individual or business but those victims’ affiliates and the customers they serve. Cyber-crime breaks the system that provides the resources to clothe, feed, and care for the public’s health and welfare. On more than one occasion, breaches have severely disrupted whole communities and sectors — the JBS Meat Processing Company breach and the SolarWinds government hack, to name two. Cyber criminals grab what is easily attainable without regard to the mess they’ve made of society.

Implement a cybersecurity solution that exposes their activity and destroys its impact so criminals run for the hills. That will bring you peace to turn New Year into one as bright as your mind, with laser-focus on ideas that ensure a highly profitable 2023!

Data-Guard 365 is a MSSP firm headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices in Indianapolis, Atlanta, and other strategic locations across the globe. The company is a one-of-a-kind business partner whose people, processes, and technology provide invincible cyber security for a price point that pays for itself.

www.Data-Guard365.com / (317) 967-6767 / info@data-guard365.com

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Photo of Chris Zvirbulis, Chief Commercial Officer
Christopher Zvirbulis
Chief Commercial Officer, Partner