Darky Lock Ransomware: In-Depth Analysis, Detection, and Mitigation

Darky Lock ransomware belongs to the category of commodity-tier ransomware and is built upon the publicly accessible Babuk source code. The emergence of the Darky Lock family was initially detected in July 2022 when infecting systems with Darky Lock, the operators’ first objective is turning off several processes, including older Intuit QuickBooks and Symantec antivirus versions.

Target and Methods

Darky Lock ransomware demonstrates a broad targeting approach, aiming at large enterprises, high-value targets, and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

Darky Lock ransomware employs various methods to infect its victims, including trojanized downloads and phishing emails. Additionally, they distribute malicious payloads through third-party frameworks like Empire, Metasploit, and Cobalt Strike. This wide range of attack vectors allows them to cast a wider net and increase the chances of successful infections across different types of organizations.

Detection and Mitigation Strategies

The DataGuard Guardian Absolute program is designed to detect and prevent malicious behaviors and artifacts associated with Darky Lock ransomware. If you don’t have DataGuard Guardian Absolute deployed, there are several measures to identify and mitigate Darky Lock ransomware in your network:

Security Tools

Use anti-malware software or other security tools to detect and block known ransomware variants using signatures, heuristics, or machine learning algorithms.

Network Traffic

Monitor network traffic for unusual patterns or communication with known command-and-control servers, indicating a potential Darky Lock infection.

Security Audits

Regularly conduct security audits and assessments to identify network and system vulnerabilities, ensuring all security controls function effectively.

Education & Training

Educate employees on cybersecurity best practices, such as recognizing and reporting suspicious emails or threats.

Backup & Recovery Plan

Implement a robust backup and recovery plan to have a secure copy of data and the ability to restore it in case of a ransomware attack.

For DataGuard customers, the Guardian Absolute program prevents Darky Lock ransomware infections, and in case of a breach, it detects and prevents malicious behaviors associated with it. The platform’s rollback capability allows infected devices to be reverted to their pre-infection state, restoring encrypted files to their original condition.

Additional steps to mitigate the risk of Darky Lock ransomware attacks

Educate Employees

Train employees to recognize and avoid phishing emails, malicious attachments, and other threats, and encourage them to report suspicious emails or attachments.

Implement Strong Passwords

Enforce strong, unique passwords for all user accounts and regularly update and rotate them.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to provide an extra layer of security for user accounts.

Update and Patch Systems

Regularly update and patch all systems to fix known vulnerabilities and prevent exploitation.

Implement Backup and Disaster Recovery

Establish regular backup and disaster recovery processes, storing backups securely offsite and testing their efficacy for quick restoration.

By integrating proactive cybersecurity measures with the all-encompassing defense provided by DataGuard Guardian Absolute, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to defend against Darky Lock ransomware and other evolving cyber threats. DataGuard Guardian Absolute offers advanced threat detection, real-time monitoring, and secure backup capabilities, creating a comprehensive strategy to safeguard data and systems from the severe consequences of ransomware attacks. Through this holistic approach, organizations can strengthen their resilience and effectively protect their valuable assets amidst the ever-expanding threats in the digital realm.

Photo of Chris Zvirbulis, Chief Commercial Officer
Christopher Zvirbulis
Chief Commercial Officer, Partner