They’re Back! EMOTET Raises its Ugly Head (No Mask Needed) this Halloween…

EMOTET is Back!

EMOTET retreated for a time, apparently to develop new inroads for the next round of fast-firing attacks. We knew the botnet army would return, we just didn’t know which tricks they would reveal.

By Monday morning, October 19th, everyone in the industry knew of EMOTET’s malware attack that acquires control of a domain without needing administrative rights, helping itself to the victim’s network.

EMOTET is a malware infection that spreads through emails containing either a malicious Word attachment or a link to download one. Once a user clicks the link or opens the attachment they are prompted to ‘Enable Content’ and, when they do, the malicious macro runs and installs the EMOTET malware on their computer.

You may be asking “How are users tricked to Enable Content?” Quite simply, spam campaigns and phishing attacks: appearing as COVID-19 information, purchase orders, invoices, shipping information, or media alerts about politicians.

A second wave of attack already this week compels Data Guard 365 to turn up the volume on the alarm it sounded to customers last week: EMOTET’s newest template is disguised as a message entitled Windows Update requiring a Microsoft upgrade, and reads…

Upgrade your edition of MS Word

Upgrading your edition will add new features to Microsoft Word

Please click Enable Editing and then click Enable Content.

When a user follows this request to upgrade, it causes the malicious macros to execute and infect the user’s computer. EMOTET will then use the computer to send spam emails, installing other malware that is designed to unleash a ransomware attack on the victim’s network that can seize proprietary data and bring operations to a standstill.

Need I say more? No treats this Halloween…only tricks…unless you level the playing field by getting steps ahead of EMOTET and their ghoulish counterparts.  How?

Combat unpredictable cyber-enemies with a qualified partner. Retain your life’s work (all your treats) without a single trick – just invincible DG365 Cybersecurity!

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Data-Guard 365 is a MSSP firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, with offices in Chicago, Atlanta, and other strategic locations across the globe. The company is a one-of-a-kind business partner whose people, processes, and technology provide invincible cyber security for a price point that pays for itself. / (317) 967-6767 /

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Photo of Chris Zvirbulis, Chief Commercial Officer
Christopher Zvirbulis
Chief Commercial Officer, Partner